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1 Joanne  Wed, Feb 27, 2013 8:42:15am

I just read, not one week ago, that the iPhone 5 has surpassed all others as the number one phone being sold worldwide. I don’t remember if collectively Android had a larger presence (that was so at one point), but I **think** that this was the iPhone 5 overtaking all.

No matter, it’s definitely not like Apple is hurting, and, as you said, there is always someone wanting to take Apple down a peg or two.

I suppose for a guy who blogs for a living, a ChromeBook might be just dandy. Those in real world jobs like me, who writes documents numbering in hundreds of pages, who needs video creation/editing software beyond what is snapped on a mobile device and, I am sorry, but a touch screen does not give the ability to select a single pixel, so editing even photos requires more than a touch, so there has to be full input device with no touch needed ability, etc., etc., etc., isn’t going down the Cloud only route. Not yet anyway.

2 MichaelJ  Wed, Feb 27, 2013 9:02:37am

re: #1 Joanne

You are correct about the iPhone 5. If you read the linked article, you will also see that the second most popular phone in the 4th quarter of 2012 was the iPhone 4S. Both made by that “beleaguered” tech company, Apple. I wish I was hurting as badly as Apple.

3 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Feb 27, 2013 10:40:12am

The best metaphor I’ve ever come up with for Apple is the Protestant offshoot of Christianity.

Before that, the computing world resembled the Catholic Church. Your relationship with God (computers) had to go through the priesthood (the techs). You talked to the priests and the priests talked to God.

Along come Apple and started making computers ‘for the rest of us.’ Your relationship with God was no longer dependent on the priests. Like Protestantism, it took awhile to really get a foothold. Like Protestantism, it had to move to a new world. (Protestantism to North America. Apple to mobile computing.) But now it’s well entrenched and the old religion is losing ground rapidly.

And the priests of the old religion hate this occurrence, and the offshoot religion, with a deep and abiding hatred. They aren’t nearly as powerful as they once were. So they trash talk the new religion every chance they get.

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